Directory Statistics for src/java/org/calendartag/tags/

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Lines Of Code for src/java/org/calendartag/tags/

Commits for src/java/org/calendartag/tags/ (per author)

AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
jamosmith 16 (100.0%)669 (100.0%)1254 (100.0%)41.81

Commit Log

2/13/05 2:29 PM jamosmith
added license fixed showPreivous typo (1 Files changed, 36 Lines changed)
2/1/05 5:10 PM jamosmith
the decorator must now decide what css class to use when generating the calendar (1 Files changed, 9 Lines changed)
11/14/04 11:03 AM jamosmith
added release to end of tag process modified release to reset everything (1 Files changed, 38 Lines changed)
10/23/04 11:20 AM jamosmith
changed DATE_FORMAT to MM-dd-yyyy stopped calling things evaluated changed Date objects to Calendar objects added intuitive support for single month calendars (1 Files changed, 152 Lines changed)
10/16/04 2:28 PM jamosmith
removed list tag, not gonna do it removed some util stuff and put it into a util class (1 Files changed, 43 Lines changed)
10/2/04 7:15 PM jamosmith
implemented some verticle calendar features added dayCompare finally fixed tricky comparison between dates added default id and cssPrefix fixed odd even month incrementing (1 Files changed, 139 Lines changed)
9/19/04 5:41 PM jamosmith
changed the way CalendarTag deals with interacting with a dyanmic date range calendar added DATE_FORMAT fixed error caused by manually incrementing the DATE of a Calendar, it does it for us (1 Files changed, 36 Lines changed)
9/13/04 8:39 PM jamosmith
movedthe twocalendars example into a seperate jsp (1 Files changed, 13 Lines changed)
9/3/04 1:32 PM jamosmith
added todayCalendar added isSameDay method trimmed all dates & calendars of their hours, minutes & seconds to avoid confusion (1 Files changed, 35 Lines changed)
9/2/04 11:47 PM jamosmith
added cssPrefix, date, day, month, year, evaluatedDate removed currentDate(changed to date) split into init variables method & main method implemented a lot of logic & new features (1 Files changed, 203 Lines changed)
9/1/04 8:58 PM jamosmith
renamed to CalendarTag (1 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
9/1/04 8:57 PM jamosmith
renamed RenderTag to CalendarTag (1 Files changed, 435 Lines changed)
8/29/04 2:41 PM jamosmith
*** empty log message *** (1 Files changed, 10 Lines changed)
8/28/04 10:31 PM jamosmith
moved DATE_FORMAT to CalendarDecorator changed interactive to showPreviousNextLink generates a link string for CalendarDecorator displays previous month & next month links (1 Files changed, 65 Lines changed)
8/28/04 4:33 PM jamosmith
changed decorator to CalendarDecorator and it defaults as a DefaultCalendarDecorator (1 Files changed, 11 Lines changed)
8/27/04 11:05 PM jamosmith
renders a very barebone calendar based on startDate and endDate (1 Files changed, 29 Lines changed)